Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vacation Jim gave me three choices for a vacation. (1) Las vegas (2) A cruise (3) is my delima...I am terrified of water and and I don't like planes! So it is really hard to choose which one of these big fears I am gonna have to conquer! Thats why I need your help! I want all my bestest :) friends to tell me where to go (be nice!) because I cannot choose!!


Amanda said...

If I were you, I think I would conquer my flying fear...and go to the bahamas...just a short quick an absolutely beautiful spot..would be SOOOOO worth it!! The cruise I would say HELL no...take a big chance of making yourself sick!! BUT with all that said...I know you and jim, and I think Vegas might be more your style! Hope that helped!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking Vegas too! Bahamas would be great but just knowing the two of you, I am thinking Vegas is right up your alley! You just have to jump on a plane and FLY!

Anonymous said...

Well.....if I were you....wink...I think that you should wave you fears of the planes and just fly to the bahamas. I know that it would be expensive but Jim will pay for it all....after all Jim is a sucker and will pay for anything. Its your anniversary carol its only jims because you allow it to be